

The company is a professional logistics, international logistics, international freight, international freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, shipping, air transport, river transport, road transport, dangerous goods transport, dangerous goods operations, special cargo transport, door to door transport, container truck shares Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Jinling Transportation Group International Logistics Co., Ltd. is committed to building China's largest and most professional logistics, international logistics, international freight, international freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, shipping, air transport, river and sea transportation, road transport, dangerous goods transportation, Dangerous goods operations, special cargo transportation, door-to-door transportation, container truck enterprises. The company is headquartered in Jiangsu, with a large service network in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong and Anhui. The high coverage and high efficiency of Jiangsu Jinling Transportation Group International Logistics Co., Ltd. has been recognized by many companies and institutions. Jiangsu Jinling Jiaoyun Group International Logistics Co., Ltd. will provide you with safe, economical and professional services in the most professional spirit.
Our shipping advantages transport:
1. Can pick up the goods at home, can be delivered home!
2. One-stop service, efficient and fast, professional and safe!
3. Professional packaging of furniture, electrical appliances and fragile items, providing one-stop service for long-distance moving to Australian customers for export declaration!
4. Track the whole process, serve with heart!
Guangzhou Zhongyihang International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive international freight forwarding enterprise with a complete global transportation network. The Yiyi Airlines freight forwarding is based on Guangzhou and Shenzhen, covering the South China region of the Pearl River Delta.
The company has a complete global transportation network. The business is mainly engaged in shipping, shipping agency and shipping agency. In addition, it also undertakes import and export agency, import and export declaration, and inspection and inspection. Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the business philosophy of "people-oriented, strict management, and honest management", and adheres to the principle of "satisfying partners to the end" and adhering to the principle of "safe, pragmatic, efficient, and credible". Provide quality first-class transportation services.
Professional agent for the export of dangerous goods in categories 2.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 in Guangdong! The company's main strategic partner, the world's largest shipping company, Maersk Line has Middle East / India / Pakistan / Red Sea / Mediterranean / Europe / Central South America / Australia and other advantages of the route, and Yangming, Zhengli, Chilean Air China and other shipping companies to cooperate with other advantageous routes.
Our company has a dangerous goods transportation department responsible for dangerous goods transportation programs, and is equipped with professional dangerous goods operators and dangerous goods claimants, and has agreed dangerous goods fleets and dangerous goods warehouses to provide customers with dangerous goods. The supervision, reinforcement, photographing, customs declaration, maritime declaration, charge d'affaires supervision and booking and other services. Among them, there are 6 categories, 8 categories and 9 types of dangerous goods. Our company can install the docks in the docks, save a lot of expenses for the shipment of dangerous goods from the terminals in Guangdong Province, and get the praise and trust of many new and old customers. ..
The international shipping routes opened before are: Australia International Shipping Double Clear Door, US International Shipping Double Clear Door, Canada International Shipping Double Clear Door, New Zealand International Shipping Double Clear Door, Malaysia International Shipping Double Clear Door, Singapore International The sea is clear to the door, and the British international shipping is clear to the door. The above lines, customers can provide a one-stop service, whether it is a small bulk cargo or a container delivery.
该公司拥有完整的全球运输网络。该业务主要从事航运,船运代理和船运代理。此外,还承接进出口代理,进出口报关,检验检验。公司自成立以来,一直秉承“以人为本,严格管理,诚信经营”的经营理念,坚持“让合作伙伴达到最终”的原则,坚持“务实,务实”的原则。 ,高效,可信“。提供优质一流的运输服务。
我公司设有危险品运输部门,负责危险品运输方案,并配备专业危险品经营者和危险品索赔人,并同意危险品车队和危险品仓库为客户提供危险品。监督,加固,拍照,报关,海事报关,代办监督预约等服务。其中,有6类,8类和9类危险品。我公司可以在码头安装码头,为广东省码头的危险品运输节省了大量费用,得到了许多新老客户的好评和信赖。 ..

积极进取 回报顾客

公司积极拓展华东和华南地区,与世界主要国家的代理商建立了深厚的合作关系,稳步建立了完整的物流网络。 在多年的发展历程中,为了满足国内外客户的需求,公司锐意进取,不断创新,逐步发展成为能够在各个层面满足客户需求的第三方物流企业。 公司始终坚持“诚信,务实,创新,共赢”的经营理念,坚持“以人为本,品牌经营,回报社会”的核心价值观,坚持“诚信为本”的经营理念。 努力成为一家优秀的国际物流公司代表。




  • 拼箱费RMB40/CBM
  • 报关费RMB320/SET
  • 文件费RMB300/BILL
  • 目的港提货费用
  • 反恐申报费



  1. 国外会有临时的CAF或BAF的收费
  2. 报关品名数量须与实际进仓货物一致
  3. 玻璃等易碎品等货物请提前告知
  4. 订美国/中南美洲港口需注明国家
  5. 货物外包装上必须有唛头


公司建立了一支资深的专家管理团队,具有扎实的物流理论和丰富的行业经验。可以为上下游客户提供物流供应链集成解决方案和高效运营服务。 在包装业务方面,我公司将根据客户要求进行熏蒸,拖拉,拍照,包装,在保证服务质量的前提下, 为客户提供最优惠,最快捷的服务。

公司为客户提供港前、港后物流代理服务,, 包括报关、报检、集装箱拖运及世界主要港口清关送货等。 公司拥有相关配合单位,能为客户做到“一站式”服务,免除客户进出口货物繁锁的工作负担。

承接危险品,化工产品,整柜,散货国际海运,同时批量货物整理服务,主要出口产品是油漆,油漆,油墨,粘合剂,树脂,颜料和染料,香精香料,化学添加剂,添加剂,香水,化妆品,电池,松香,清洁剂,汽车护理 产品,冷冻剂,日化产品,粉末,化工原料液体等化工产品散货整理,整箱集装箱运输。


公司实力雄厚,港口遍布全球,是珠三角地区强大的货运代理商。 运输价格低,每周航班稳定稳定,竞争非常激烈。 目前,海外代理商和海外代理商和分支机构在全球100多个国家的近500个港口城市拥有可靠的信誉和快速的沟通渠道,全面承担运输和杂费,三角贸易订单,目的港到门口运输服务。



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