


思源国际货运代理有限公司是一家经外经委批准成立的专业从事国际、国内海运货运代理及提供全方位物流服务的企业。主要从事国际海运、国际空运、国内海运、陆运业务、报关报检业务等专业运输代理业务。公司依托现代物流管理模式,建立了完善的国内外运输网络。公司依托已建立的综合性、多功能物流网络平台,为客户提供快速、安全、准确的全程物流服务。经过多年的发展,公司已成为一家集国内外海运、国际空运、陆运、铁路运输及仓储、报关业务于一体的综合性物流企业!我公司与国内外船舶、航空运输公司保持长期稳定的合作关系。我们与yml、东方海外、cma、哈伯劳埃德、王海、HMM等建立了正式的代理关系。航线分布体现在欧洲基地港和内陆点、地中海、澳大利亚、中东、印度和巴基斯坦、红海、非洲、东南亚等优势航线上。公司在佛山地区陶瓷集装箱一站式服务、危险品、冷冻货物运输等特色服务方面具有较强的优势。公司拥有高素质的管理人员,经验丰富的专业运营团队,先进的管理理念。从报价,订舱,捡起,报关,文件,提供信息、商品——程兄弟,空运和海运提单签发和进口清关,提货,道路运输专家特别任务的责任,与分支机构、办公室、仓库、海关、外国特工的各个环节之间的衔接都依赖于计算机网络通信。公司管理人员密切关注整体运作,检查所有环节都按照操作程序进行,无论您的货物需要在哪里发货,快速、安全始终是我们追求的目标!从事国际公路运输、海运、航空物流公司。国家商标局注册的“荣翔?”“RXC ?”.公司于2008年10月31日在中国东莞成立。是经国家外贸部批准的一级货运代理企业。高起点、高投入、快速建立和发展的硬件设施和交通工具。我们拥有一批从事国际快递、进出口货物报关、空运、海运集运服务经验丰富的专业人员。自成立以来,始终坚持“信誉,互惠互利,共同发展”的质量方针,以“服务客户,东南亚国家联盟(东盟)”的使命,和应对中国对外经济区域”的经济发展政策,突出主导产业,国内外著名的特点,业务范围覆盖中国和东南亚各港口清关,建立现代国际运输平台和计算机网络平台,实时跟踪,并配备专职专业人员随时向客户提供货物信息反馈,用优质的服务赢得广大客户的信任和支持,荣翔国际物流,全心全意打造一个团结、创新、高效的专业团队,赢得了客户的信任。荣翔国际物流为您的事业增添色彩。Siyuan international freight forwarding co., ltd. is a foreign economic and trade commission approved the establishment of a professional engaged in international and domestic Marine freight forwarding and providing all-round logistics services enterprises. Mainly engaged in international shipping, international air transport, domestic shipping, land transport business, customs declaration and inspection business and other professional transport agent business. Relying on the modern logistics management mode, the company has established a perfect domestic and international transportation network. Relying on the established comprehensive and multi-functional logistics network platform, the company aims to provide customers with fast, safe and accurate whole-process logistics services. After years of development, the company has become a set of domestic and international shipping, international air transport, land transport, railway transport and warehousing, customs clearance business in one of the all-round logistics enterprises! Our company has maintained long-term and stable cooperative relations with domestic and foreign shipping companies and air transport companies. We have established formal agency relations with yml, oocl, cma, happag-lloyd, wanghai, HMM and so on. The route distribution is reflected in the advantage routes of European base port and inland point, Mediterranean Sea, Australia, Middle East, India and Pakistan, red sea, Africa, southeast Asia, etc. The company has strong advantages in characteristic services, such as one-stop service of ceramic heavy container in foshan area, transport of dangerous goods and frozen goods, etc. The company has high-quality management personnel, experienced professional operation team, advanced management concept. From quotation, booking, pick up, customs clearance, documents making, providing information, goods - the cheng brothers, issued by air freight and ocean bills of lading, and import customs clearance, pick up the goods, road transport shall be the responsibility of the specialist special duty, with branches, offices, warehouses, customs, foreign agents of each link cohesion between all rely on computer network communication. Company management personnel pay close attention to the overall operation, check all links are in accordance with the operating procedures, no matter where your goods need to be shipped, fast, safe is always our pursuit of the goal! Engaged in international road transport, sea transport, air logistics companies. Registered by the state trademark office "rongxiang? , "RXC?" . The company was established on October 31, 2008 in dongguan, China. It is a first-class freight forwarder approved by the ministry of foreign trade. High starting point, high investment and rapid establishment and development of hardware facilities and means of transportation. We have a group of engaged in international express, import and export goods declaration, air cargo transport, sea freight consolidation services experienced professional personnel. Since its establishment, always adhere to the "credibility, mutual benefit and common development" the quality policy, to "service customers, the association of south-east Asian nations (asean)" for the mission, and response to the economic development of China's foreign economic area "policy, highlighting leading industry, domestic and international well-known characteristics, scope of business covers China and southeast Asia each port customs clearance, set up the modern international transportation platform and computer network platform, real-time tracking in the business, and equipped with full-time professionals to provide customers cargo information feedback at any time, with the high quality service to win the majority of customers trust and support, rongxiang international logistics, with all my heart to build a united, innovative, Efficient professional team, won the trust of customers. Rongxiang international logistics as your career to add color.











1. 香港进口:依托深圳、广州、香港三大国际机场提供快速快递清关服务。2. 全球门到门皮卡进口:门到门皮卡可以提供在世界任何地方,如德国和加拿大








1. 香港进口:依托深圳、广州、香港三大国际机场提供快速快递清关服务。2. 全球门到门皮卡进口:门到门皮卡可以提供在世界任何地方,如德国和加拿大


天富盛在北京、绥文河、温州、温岭、瑞安、义乌、锦江、广州、惠州、青岛、成都、乌鲁木齐、塔城、喀什等中国主要城市设有分支机构。在俄罗斯的莫斯科,叶卡捷琳堡,高利贷与分支机构。经过多年的发展,以满足俄罗斯市场客户对仓储的需求。公司于2008年开始经营海外仓储业务。海外仓储基地于2008年初在莫斯科建立。大环内有两个中转仓库,占地面积约20000平方米。大环外有一个仓库,占地面积20000多平方米。仓库硬件配置先进、自动化程度高有多种现代装卸机械设备和专业运营商,与红外报警系统、安全监控系统、烟雾报警系统,温度报警系统,消防系统,叉车,8日处理能力2000立方米,有14个装卸港口,可容纳14个集装箱装卸同时,出库量为1.4米至1.5米,在出库口装卸集装箱的体高,使装卸工作顺利进行。能充分配合大宗货物的转运。目前,仓储物流信息服务已实现了网络化管理、24小时全程监控的有机统一。目前,公司的物流仓储客户主要集中在在莫斯科做生意的中国人的服装、鞋帽批发领域,已成为莫斯科大市场区域的中转基地。我们的使命:珍惜信任,承诺达到精准处方,全过程- - -金牌品牌,专注15年。是阿联酋航空、国泰航空、中国南方航空、法国航空、新加坡航空、西北航空、泰国航空、中国航空、德国汉莎航空等30多家航空公司的货运代理。多年的合作经验,成功地为数以千计的外贸公司、外贸工厂提供安全、快捷、优质的服务和可靠的保障。“专业是因为专注。”鹏通国际将一如既往秉承“质量、诚信、团结”的企业精神,以市场为导向,以客户为中心,以科学的资源整合、先进的管理技术,强大的运营能力,跟上世界现代物流的发展趋势,公司到一个高度专业化、网络、信息化、标准化的国内外著名的现代物流企业。公司长期从事中国-东盟地区(老挝、缅甸、柬埔寨、泰国、马来西亚)的专业物流服务,包括门到门陆路运输、双清海运和国际快递业务,如汽车、散货、散货物流、项目物流等。经过多年的努力,公司已创建了一批快速、安全、经济、专业的东盟多式联运航线:缅甸特种货运专线、缅甸陆路运输物流、仰光汽车运输、缅甸双重通关税、缅甸快递物流、老挝陆路运输物流、老挝双重通关税、万象物流。公司由一批从事国际航空、海运、陆运多年的专业人员组成。公司宗旨:“尊敬的客人,追求卓越”的经营理念,“诚实、创新志远”业务涵盖:长江三角洲地区作为全球领先的网络辐射华南,华北,只有找不到主要业务:锂电池运输国际航空运输国际航运保税物流特色产品:锂离子电池运输、运输、食品等个人物品国际物流、项目策划、实施商标客户:lg化学、台塑集团、富士康集团、nec、原子价、az集团等。





华新国际货运代理有限公司,是中国国际货运协会和深圳工商局批准国际货运代理企业,主要提供专业的国际空运、海运、报关、报检、包装、陆地运输、仓储、国际快递等一站式服务的国际物流企业,公司始终贯彻“以人为本,安全第一”的原则,率先在客户的要求中进步动力,提出并实现全球商品门到门的创意理念。公司总部位于中国深圳,在台湾,香港、广州、上海、天津、厦门等子公司,公司拥有一支专业的航运预订运营商和海上危险货物申报单成员和监督装货,可以为客户提供专业的危险品物流,危险货物申报单,危险货物包装,强化危险货物和进出口货物报关、检验、检疫、保险、运输、仓储、中转、配送、集装箱、拼箱拆箱、短途运输、门到门服务及危险品物流咨询业务。我公司以“安全第一”为神圣使命,在做好每一个细节的基础上,承诺为所有货物提供200万美元的货运服务责任保险。如果我们的操作失误造成的损失是给您造成的,我们将承担您应有的赔偿,让客户放心放心,实现双赢。深圳市华鑫国际货运代理有限公司为企业提供专业的“国际供应链管理外包”服务,立志成为中国超级牛全球进口供应链管理服务的权威机构。华鑫国际愿与您共创明天!华新国际货运代理有限公司,是中国国际货运协会和深圳工商局批准国际货运代理企业,主要提供专业的国际空运、海运、报关、报检、包装、陆地运输、仓储、国际快递等一站式服务的国际物流企业,公司始终贯彻“以人为本,安全第一”的原则,率先在客户的要求中进步动力,提出并实现全球商品门到门的创意理念。公司总部位于中国深圳,在台湾,香港、广州、上海、天津、厦门等子公司,公司拥有一支专业的航运预订运营商和海上危险货物申报单成员和监督装货,可以为客户提供专业的危险品物流,危险货物申报单,危险货物包装,强化危险货物和进出口货物报关、检验、检疫、保险、运输、仓储、中转、配送、集装箱、拼箱拆箱、短途运输、门到门服务及危险品物流咨询业务。我公司以“安全第一”为神圣使命,在做好每一个细节的基础上,承诺为所有货物提供200万美元的货运服务责任保险。如果我们的操作失误造成的损失是给您造成的,我们将承担您应有的赔偿,让客户放心放心,实现双赢。深圳市华鑫国际货运代理有限公司为企业提供专业的“国际供应链管理外包”服务,立志成为中国超级牛全球进口供应链管理服务的权威机构。华鑫国际愿与您共创明天!打造了专业的服务团队,与国内外众多客户建立了长期友好的关系。香港DHL, ups中国一级货运代理;联邦快递,合同代理,ems直接代理。广州地区国际物流业又一匹黑马。公司的物流网络覆盖全球。国际快递、航空运输合同;经营进出口多式联运业务的国际货运代理公司;拼箱、集装箱拆箱、报关代理、商检、保险等业务。可为客户提供:货运、仓储、报关、商检等一系列完善的一站式物流服务。我们始终坚信:扛起大山的重担,服务人民Huaxin international freight agency co., LTD., is by the China association of international freight and shenzhen industrial and commercial bureau approval level international freight forwarding enterprises, mainly provide professional international air freight, ocean freight, customs declaration, inspection declaration, packaging, land transportation, warehousing, international express and other one-stop service of international logistics enterprises, the company has always been implementing the "people-oriented, safety first" principle, take the lead in the customer's requirements for the progress of the power, put forward and to achieve the creative concept of global goods door to door. Company headquarters is located in shenzhen, China, in Taiwan, Hong Kong, guangzhou, Shanghai, tianjin, xiamen and other subsidiaries, the company has a professional shipping booking operators and maritime dangerous goods declaration member and supervision of loading, can provide customers with professional logistics of dangerous goods, dangerous goods declaration, dangerous goods packaging, reinforcement of dangerous goods and import and export goods customs declaration, inspection, quarantine, insurance, transport, storage, transit, distribution, container, LCL devanning, short-distance transportation, door to door service and dangerous goods logistics consulting business. Our company takes "safety first" as the sacred mission, and on the basis of doing every detail well, we promise to provide the freight service liability insurance of 2 million us dollars for the top of all goods. If the loss caused by our operation error is caused to you, we will bear your due compensation, so that customers can rest assured and secure, and achieve a win-win situation. Shenzhen huaxin international freight agency co., LTD. To provide enterprises with professional "international supply chain management outsourcing" services, determined to become China's super cattle global import supply chain management service authority. Huaxin international is willing to create tomorrow with you! Huaxin international freight agency co., LTD., is by the China association of international freight and shenzhen industrial and commercial bureau approval level international freight forwarding enterprises, mainly provide professional international air freight, ocean freight, customs declaration, inspection declaration, packaging, land transportation, warehousing, international express and other one-stop service of international logistics enterprises, the company has always been implementing the "people-oriented, safety first" principle, take the lead in the customer's requirements for the progress of the power, put forward and to achieve the creative concept of global goods door to door. Company headquarters is located in shenzhen, China, in Taiwan, Hong Kong, guangzhou, Shanghai, tianjin, xiamen and other subsidiaries, the company has a professional shipping booking operators and maritime dangerous goods declaration member and supervision of loading, can provide customers with professional logistics of dangerous goods, dangerous goods declaration, dangerous goods packaging, reinforcement of dangerous goods and import and export goods customs declaration, inspection, quarantine, insurance, transport, storage, transit, distribution, container, LCL devanning, short-distance transportation, door to door service and dangerous goods logistics consulting business. Our company takes "safety first" as the sacred mission, and on the basis of doing every detail well, we promise to provide the freight service liability insurance of 2 million us dollars for the top of all goods. If the loss caused by our operation error is caused to you, we will bear your due compensation, so that customers can rest assured and secure, and achieve a win-win situation. Shenzhen huaxin international freight agency co., LTD. To provide enterprises with professional "international supply chain management outsourcing" services, determined to become China's super cattle global import supply chain management service authority. Huaxin international is willing to create tomorrow with you! Forged a professional service team, and a large number of customers at home and abroad to establish a long-term friendly relations. Hong Kong DHL, ups first class freight forwarder in China; Fedex, -contracted agent, ems direct agent. Guangzhou area international logistics industry another dark horse. The company's logistics network covers the whole world. Contracting for international express delivery and air transportation; An international freight forwarder for multi-modal transport of imports and exports; LCL, container unpacking, customs clearance agent, commodity inspection, insurance and other business. Can provide customers: freight, warehousing, customs clearance, commodity inspection and a series of perfect one-stop logistics services. We always believe that: carrying the burden of the mountain, service first, the bottom price for the king's business purposes. We are looking forward to your inquiries every minute!...


本公司专业从事ddu/ DDP到澳大利亚/加拿大/新西兰/新加坡/泰国/马来西亚/印度尼西亚的双清门运输;和其他地区超低价格!如有需要,欢迎添加qq或来电查询!广州优澳大利亚货运代理有限公司,合同,包装、熏蒸,商检,订舱,仓储、报关、运输、清关、拆包和交付运输代理业务,并提供运输信息,组织货物配送manchang,收集检验,提出了国内运输费用,货物用木箱包装,零电荷整个运输服务。公司拥有强大的代理体系,各地均设有分公司和办事处。公司仓库已经有人签收货物,分拣和包装服务,我们有最优惠的价格,最快的老化和航运服务,为解决问题提供各种解决方案的海外华人,不管你是拼箱货物运输价格咨询,或整柜海运价格咨询,我们将及时回答你,和设计最安全、最专业的路线……可以作为珠江三角洲地区的发货代理,进出口海关可以利用航运路线的优势:1、提供淘宝小快递,分散在全国各地,集商检、价格优惠、信誉第一、服务第一!2、提供大型集、包装、代木架、代理垫3国内物流成本、产品包括仓储、包装、货物装卸、报关、发货、单证等一条龙外贸运输服务,定期、安全、高效经济快捷。4、多年经营海运拼箱业务,依托深圳/广州为全国各地提供拼箱货运服务。澳洲公司总公司具有较强的清关能力,代理多家国内货运代理公司,在世界各地拥有拼箱港口。和拼箱价格低,每周的航班和更稳定,在市场声誉,使用该公司有自己的进出口权,为顾客提供安全、可靠的出口报关代理,商品检验服务,通过公司账户集合——从案例中,鳕鱼和相关成本,进行全面的运费支付,三角贸易单,目的港清关,门到门运输服务。广州uic坚持“服务第一、信誉第一”的服务宗旨,我们拥有一批专业的质量,真诚的奉献,有经验的业务操作人员,以客户为中心,能够为客户提供及时有效的物流相关的咨询和全面和细致的服务,坚持“全面、全过程、全天候”的工作理念,竭诚为您设计合理的路线和可选的物流解决方案,使用完善的计算机网络管理平台,整个进度和货物,确保高效的服务,可以为您提供方便、快捷、经济的全过程服务,广州运输公司使您能够轻松地完成快速、高质量的运输过程不离开你的家,已成为国内外客户值得信赖的合作伙伴。扬国际货运代理有限公司成立于1998年,是一家拥有多行业许可证和国际认证的专业物流公司。上海作为国际网络管理中心,拥有成都分公司,服务网络遍及中国各大港口和大中城市,是全球货运代理联盟wca和锦城物流网络成员,完善的全球海外代理网络。



2. 一般货运:货运代理。国内货运代理、公路货运代理(普通货物)、仓储服务、货物装卸服务、送货服务、专用货运代理(集装箱a)、陆运国际货运代理、海运国际货运代理、空运国际货运代理。公司自成立以来,经历了长足的发展,实力雄厚。我们将继续发扬“诚信、专业、合作、共赢”的企业精神,以更加严谨、求实、真诚的态度,珍惜与客户的每一次合作,以脚踏实地的工作作风和不懈的努力赢得客户的满意。业务范围包括拼箱、整箱、整箱fob、cif、ddu、DDP海运、国际空运。为客户提供订单跟踪、提货、订舱、装柜、报关、报检、单证、报关、发货等全方位服务以及国际采购、贸易和出口代理。有欧美、中东、东南亚等专线,包括长期合作代理马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾、泰国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、越南、迪拜等目的地港口,具备较强的通关能力,实现全程无忧的效果。东南亚提供佛山和广州的珠江三角洲海运整柜、拼箱目的税收报关等服务,交货,包,大小零担货物(设备、机械设备、工程设备、大型起重机打桩机、钢材、家具、衣服和生活用品,等等),在金平国际物流成立于1977年,位于江苏省盐城市,注册资金500万元。2011年,由于业务发展的需要,公司经国家有关单位,公司的业务范围从国内提高陆地运输国际海洋、陆地和空运进出口货物的国际货运代理,现在正式更名为常熟习近平国际货运代理有限公司,有限公司公司主要经营范围:货运代理:办理劳务(危险品和特殊规定除外),为国内企业提供劳务派遣服务。


亚洲世界国际货运代理有限公司是一家主要从事港澳台国际快递、国际航空运输、国际航运及全球进出口业务的集团物流企业。Acs国际快递网络(Asia/Asia international)立足大中华区,致力于成为全球第三方物流促进区域经济合作与发展的积极力量。Acs快递网络成立于1994年,在台湾、香港、澳门和中国大陆设有25家子公司。注:截至2007年,已拥有200多家分支机构和代理商网点。,7000多家物流精英和800套各种操作车辆,专业,由50000平方米仓库物流网络,全面覆盖香港、澳门、台湾和中国的经济活力的三大经济区域(珠江三角洲、长江三角洲、福建三角形),并打开东莞、苏州、来回运费行-使用GPS全球定位和技术设备,如条形码技术为世界各地的客户服务,以客户和同行大中华地区,“快递行业的明星”,Acs台湾快线,尤其安全、稳定、快速、已成为大中华地区(台湾快运上午到下午到)客户及行业认可的优秀品牌快递线路。雅仕快递公司经营宗旨:客户至上,追求卓越,精益求精。作为雅士快递集团的子公司,多年来一直致力于为客户提供最快捷、最廉价的运输服务。公司除了提供深圳国内快递,快递,深圳,深圳到香港澳门台湾表达,表达,深圳深圳到越南印尼快递快递,深圳进出口快递、空运服务专线,深圳国际巨头DHL ups快递,深圳,深圳联邦快递,深圳——全面合作,利用各种优势,为客户量身定做最实用的运输方案。公司开通深圳台湾快递一天,东南亚国家快递一天,美国DHL快递一天的快递服务;东莞到西班牙DHL快递,东莞到英国快递,东莞到日本快递,东莞到新加坡bo快递等。在广州、深圳、上海、北京、香港等机场,可为客户提供全球航空直航、中转服务,因此深受广大客户的充分信赖。东莞市国际货运代理有限公司强大的运输网络,操作强度和物流专业的精英团队为基础,综合物流的驱动下,折衷主义,互补优势,多年来,不断完善内部管理,拓展网络,结合现代物流市场发展趋势和需求开发土地,海洋和空气各种快速的运输方式,不断致力于为客户提供方便,表达,空运、进口和散货运输为一体的综合性物流运输服务,为满足客户的不同需求,物流赢得了国内外客户的普遍好评,逐步把自己建设成为一个网络密集、管理严谨、服务优良的国际物流集团。公司运用现代物流理论,倡导灵活的设计理念和对整个流程的及时监控,具备对现代物流方案的统筹规划、运作和控制能力,实现物流过程各时间点的无缝衔接。科学、专业、及时的计算机监控从收到分公司、管理中心的运行和调配、分公司的调度、客户的签收等全过程进行;全球网络运行表达在线查询、财务结算等所有的计算机集成管理,随时向客户提供及时、准确、详细的全球货运跟踪反馈,真正使客户感到“从未离开家,货运和物流,胸”和“定制、专业、周到”的现代物流服务水平!东莞市国际货运代理有限公司以硬件建设为基础,人性化的管理模式,弘扬“团结协作、创新进取”的优秀企业精神,以“打造品牌”为经营理念,以“客户满意是我们的荣誉”为服务理念Asia world international freight forwarding co., ltd. is a group logistics enterprise mainly engaged in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and international express, international air transport, international shipping and global import and export business. Acs international express network (Asia/Asia international), based in greater China, is committed to become a global third party logistics positive force for regional economic cooperation and development. Acs express network was established in 1994, with 25 subsidiaries in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and mainland China. Note: as of 2007, it has more than 200 branches and agent sites. , with more than 7000 logistics elite and 800 sets of various operating vehicles, professional, composed of 50000 square meters warehouse logistics network, a comprehensive coverage of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and China's economic vitality of the three major economic regions (the pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta, fujian triangle), and open the dongguan, suzhou, back and forth freight line - using GPS global positioning and technical equipment such as bar code technology service for the customers all over the world, known by customers and peers as the greater China region, "the star of the express industry", Acs Taiwan express line, which is especially safe, stable and fast, has become an excellent brand express line recognized by customers and the industry in the three regions of greater China (Taiwan express will arrive in the morning and arrive in the afternoon). Yashi express company operating purposes: customer first, the pursuit of excellence, dedication to perfection. As a subsidiary of yashi express group, the company has been trying to provide our customers with the fastest and cheapest transportation services for many years. Companies in addition to providing shenzhen to domestic express delivery, express, shenzhen, shenzhen to Hong Kong to Macao to Taiwan express, express, shenzhen shenzhen to Vietnam to Indonesia Courier express, shenzhen import and export express delivery, air transportation service special line, also the international giant shenzhen DHL ups express, shenzhen, shenzhen fedex express, shenzhen - full cooperation, using various advantages, tailored for the customer the most practical transport scheme. The company opened shenzhen Taiwan express one day, southeast Asian countries express one day, the United States DHL express one day express service; Dongguan to Spain DHL express, dongguan to the United Kingdom express, dongguan to Japan express, dongguan to Singapore bo express, etc. In guangzhou, shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and other airports, can provide customers with global air direct flight, transfer services, so the majority of customers fully trust. Dongguan city and the international freight agency co., LTD. With strong transportation network, operating strength and professional elite team of logistics as the foundation, under the drive of integrated logistics, eclecticism, complementary advantages, over the years, constantly improve the internal management, expand the network, combined with modern logistics market development trend and requirements development land, sea and air a variety of fast mode of transportation, continuously is committed to providing customers with convenient, express, air transport, import and bulk shipping for the integration of comprehensive logistics transportation services, to meet customers' different requirements, logistics and wins the general well-known appraised by the customers at home and abroad, Gradually build itself into an international logistics group with dense network, rigorous management and excellent service. The company applies modern logistics theory, advocates flexible design concept and timely monitoring of the whole process, and has the ability of overall planning, operation and control of modern logistics programs, so as to achieve seamless connection at all time points of the logistics process. The whole process of scientific, professional and timely computer monitoring shall be carried out from the receipt of the branch company, the operation and allocation of the management center, the dispatch of the branch company and the signing and receiving of customers; Global network run express online query, financial settlement and so on all the computer integrated management, at any time to provide customers timely, accurate, detailed global cargo tracking feedback, truly enable customers to feel "never leave home, freight and logistics, chest" and "tailored, professional and considerate" of the modern logistics service level! Dongguan city and the international freight agency co., LTD. According to the construction of hardware as the foundation, the humanization management mode, exalt "solidarity cooperation, innovative and progressive" spirit of outstanding enterprises, in order to "brand to create" business philosophy, with "customer satisfaction is our honor" as the service concept, to constantly strive to customers to provide quality services....


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